About Us

The on-site Sharpsblaster™ system offers a vast range of benefits to ensure that sharps waste disposal is simple, safe, cost effective and kind to the environment. Using the Sharpsblaster™ in their facility puts the waste producers in control of their sharps waste disposal and fully compliant of their cradle to grave legalistive liabilities.

The Sharpsblaster™ is environmentaly friendly as it reduces toxic emissions from incineration and landfill and renders the treated waste recyclable.

Benefits to Customers/End-Users

  • Puts producers in control of their sharps waste
  • Onsite decontamination at the touch of a button
  • Creates a safer work environment by reducing handling of hazardous waste
  • Waste audit tracking sytem provides a cradle to grave solution for the waste producers liabilities
  • Reduces administrative and waste disposal costs
  • Frees up space used for waste storage
  • Reduces the risk of needlestick injury
  • Eliminates the need for haulage costs
  • Treated waste become ordinary Metal and Plastic scrap
  • Prevents the re use of contaminated sharps
  • Removes the need for incineration and its environmental pollutants
  • Full after sales service
  • Requires little maintenance

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